
The Brain Treatment Foundation program is able to make a difference in the lives of those suffering from brain injuries and their families through contributions from caring people like you.

Monetary donations directly benefit the re-integration of participants back into society and helps to rebuild confidence that has been lost due to a traumatic health issue or lack of support.  Brain Treatment Foundation not only connects and provides beneficiaries with programs they need to succeed, BTF assists with the logistics and costs that are incurred through travel, lodging and other expenses which might otherwise prevent attendance of a treatment program.

Brain Treatment Foundation is an official 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  All donations are tax deductible.  EIN # 46-4567004

Make A Difference

Ongoing Giving Options

Ongoing Monthly

Ongoing Monthly – 30 Months

Ongoing Monthly – 24 months

Ongoing Monthly – 12 months

Brain Treatment Foundation